Premier legal representation for parking and moving violations
Reckless driving can change your life and jeopardize your independence. Operating a vehicle requires precision and responsibility, and ignoring this fact could impact your life for years to come.
When you know what the repercussions of reckless driving are, you might have a better idea of what will happen next.
Operating your vehicle negligently might involve several behaviors including speeding, road rage, weaving in and out of traffic, and tailgating. Your actions could cause an accident or worse, you might injure your passengers or other motorists. If this happens, you may live with feelings of guilt and shame for the remainder of your life.
Reckless driving can also jeopardize your right to drive. Even a temporary suspension could cause a lot of uncertainty and require you to find alternative transportation so you can meet your job-related obligations. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, depending on your behavior, reckless driving could be a traffic violation or a criminal offense.
You might also face other legal repercussions including fines, imprisonment and a requirement to pay restitution. Satisfying these consequences could take years and require a lot of patience.
A reckless driving charge does not have to be the end of your life. With the right support, you may have the chance to minimize the outcome of your actions. As more time passes with a clean driving record, you might eventually regain your privileges and no longer have to live with the uncertainty of your past.
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30 Wall Street
8th Floor
New York, NY 10005
14 Harwood Court
Suite 415
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Phone: 212-634-2843
Fax: 212-504-3217
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