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Can Speeding Tickets Impact Your Right To Drive?

The Law Office of Mindy Paget Brill

Speeding tickets might not seem like a big deal, but accumulating too many could jeopardize your freedom. Similarly, choosing to speed puts you and others in imminent danger.

When you understand the consequences of ignoring the speed limit, you might have a greater incentive to correct your behavior. Developing responsible habits will enable you to stay safer on the road.

Identifying legal consequences

Speed limits protect you from danger, allow you more control of your vehicle and prevent unnecessary risks. According to the New York State, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, speeding tickets will result in fines. The amount you pay will vary depending on how excessive your speed was and where you were. For example, fines will increase if you speed in a school or construction zone. Depending on the circumstances, you could face jail time.

The state also has a point system. Each speeding ticket you receive will increase the number of points on your driving record. If you accumulate too many points in an 18-month period, the state may revoke your driving privileges altogether. Even if you can maintain your ability to drive, excessive tickets could increase the insurance premium you pay.

Overcoming past tickets

If you do lose your license because of speeding tickets, the good news is you can regain your privileges. You will need to collaborate with local officials to determine what you can do to eliminate points on your record.

Your commitment to changing your driving habits and observing posted speed limits will take time. However, your effort can make a difference in your safety and your ability to eventually regain the right to drive.

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